Hello and Happy Rainy Spring

Hello and Happy Spring! At least the calendar says it is spring. With record rainfall and cold weather lasting into mid- March, flower growing has been has been very different in 2023. Just when I got a great start on sowing seeds and planting on schedule, the weather threw me a curveball. 

March 2022

A few hearty seedlings in my makeshift mini greenhouse. It is just warm enough overnight for the seedlings to survive. During the day, I open it up, and if the weather cooperates, the trays get set out in the sun and fresh air to acclimate to the great outdoors

I mentioned bulbs in my last blog post, and here are the tulips I mentioned- they just started budding up to bloom; I am estimating they'll be just right for the Flower Market California popup I am attending in Downtown Fresno on March 25th. It will be held at Sun Stereo Warehouse at 736 Fulton Street. 


Tulips on March 7th
Same tulips on March 14th

Beautiful flowers are waiting in the wings for those warm days of spring-  
Along with specialty tulips, fancy double Daffodils are blooming now, Dutch Iris are slowly coming up, and the hyacinths have been blooming for a couple of weeks now, with more coming into bloom every day. 

I can't wait to share my joy of sowing seeds, nurturing and watching them grow, harvesting and then creating artful floral arrangements for you! 
Purchase or inquire about flowers on website- https://fleurieflower.square.site/

