Talking Flowers with Dinuba Garden Club
In mid January, I had the pleasure of presenting a lecture and demonstration for a lovely group of ladies from the Dinuba Garden Club. This club has been in existence for 85 years, as reported by one of the longtime members.
My history with the club goes back a few years; I first met some of the members as a new 'sprout' at Dinuba Garden Center, in 1983. I've been asked to present programs for them many times. It's always a pleasure!
My program this year was 'Finding Winter Treasures in the Garden'. I brought a lot of foliages and a few commercially purchased flowers to demonstrate how even in winter, beauty and fragrance can be found in the garden, and brought in to be enjoyed. Using jars and vases that most would already have in the cupboard, I showed how a simple grouping of 3 little vases with lavender, scented geranium and rosemary. A cylinder vase with tulips and a few sprigs of Pink Diosma made an excellent surprise gift for the hostess.
Succulent cuttings from my collection were inserted into moss and foam for a living picture, made from an old frame.
The last item I demonstrated was an arrangement in a vintage dark green glass compote, with the old-fashioned chicken wire method of mechanics.
My history with the club goes back a few years; I first met some of the members as a new 'sprout' at Dinuba Garden Center, in 1983. I've been asked to present programs for them many times. It's always a pleasure!
My program this year was 'Finding Winter Treasures in the Garden'. I brought a lot of foliages and a few commercially purchased flowers to demonstrate how even in winter, beauty and fragrance can be found in the garden, and brought in to be enjoyed. Using jars and vases that most would already have in the cupboard, I showed how a simple grouping of 3 little vases with lavender, scented geranium and rosemary. A cylinder vase with tulips and a few sprigs of Pink Diosma made an excellent surprise gift for the hostess.
Living Succulent Picture |
Vintage Flower Frogs |
The last item I demonstrated was an arrangement in a vintage dark green glass compote, with the old-fashioned chicken wire method of mechanics.
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