Seasonal Bouquet Project, November 2: From the Cutting Garden
This big arrangement consists entirely of flowers and foliage from my cutting garden. The season is coming to a close. I will dearly miss these bright beacons of loveliness, gracing my creations.
They have been to weddings-
The Apricot Charm Zinnias from the garden are gracing these bridal bouquets, as are Scented Geraniums.
At the Fresno County Public Library-
Looking back, I guess the garden has provided a wealth of flowers, herbs and foliage for Fleurie's designs.
I see a bigger and better cutting garden on my horizon....I better get out the shovel and hoes again, I see lawn removal in my future!
Fall is a great time to plan and plot for next spring! Sweet Peas can be planted for spring bloom, and there are so many bulbs and perennials that can be transplanted now.
Sweet dreams summer garden.....
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