I started this post on Mother's Day, and just now getting back to finish it. My gardening roots run deep. I hope to pass on the love of gardening to my kids.
Taking time today to share a little history of my gardening and flower roots. This is my Mom in her various gardens....
In the Iris garden at Kings View Psychiatric Hospital, they had a wonderful Horticulture Therapy program there, which she was a part of for many years. |
The shade house and fish pond at Kings View |
In the old Horticulture Therapy greenhouse, taking care of the plants |
Mom and flowers, in the late 40's |
Our family garden from the 70's, neat and tidy rows. The Zinnias aren't blooming yet, but were always planted for summer bouquets. |
Flower arranging from her garden grown treasures |
I wish I had pictures of my Grandmother in her garden. She had a wonderful garden too. Her patio was like a greenhouse, with Creeping Charlie, Pink Justica, Shrimp plant, being the plants I remember most.
Out in the garden, Roses, a Meyer Lemon tree, Johnny Jump-ups, Liriodendron Tulip tree, deep purple French Lilac, Wisteria, and the cutest little grassy plant she called Rattlesnake grass, for it's pendulous rattler-like blooms. I have a cutting of the Justica from her original plant.
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